Yam and goat meat peppersoup can be better Prepare.
Yam and goat meat peppersoup is one of the most well liked foods in earth. it tastes delicious.
Yam can be substituted for unripe plantain but yam preferable. it is good for cold.
Ingredients for Goat meat papper soup.
Yam, Ginger,Scotch bonnet, pepper,Onion, Chilli powder,Stock cube, Basil Oregano Peppersoup spices, beef seasoning,you can add cube Ponmo (Lasor beef seasoning) Salt to taste.
You can prepare ukodo(yam and goat meat peppersoup within some minute.
The ingredients needed for Ukodo(Yam and goat meat peppersoup):
Goat get onions dry pepper to your taste get your size of yam,get ready your scent leaves.
Prepare peppersoup spice
Ukodo is a spicy native yam and pepper soup that is highly nutritious. It contains an amount of vitamin, protein, and carbohydrate that is good for the body.
Grind the spices i.e. African nutmeg and crayfish and set aside. Boil and season goat meat, cow skin and. Goat Meat Peppersoup
Steps to make Ukodo(Yam and goat meat peppersoup):
Wash your already butchered and cut meat Pour in a pot, add your diced onions, pepper,season cubes, salt,crayfish and pepper soup spices. – Mix everything together with your hand and place on fire. – Allow to cook for about someminutes and add more water. – Peel your yam and slice in small small portions. Pour into the boiling meat and leave
To cook till its done.Taste to adjust seasons and then lastly add your scent leaves or other leaves you want to useand stir together.Your goatmeat pepper soup is ready.