Judy Austin


Judy Austin eulogized husband, Yul Edochie on his birthday

Judy Austin,second wife of Yul Edochie has taken to social media to eulogize her husband as he marks his birthday today. In a lengthy post on her Instagram page, she described the actor as a man after God’s heart, a man with Gold, the most handsome man in Nigeria, the best actor, and the most […]

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“I’m too beautiful for this world” – Judy Austin.

Nollywood actress, Judy Austin boasts about her beauty as she reunites with her husband, Yul Edochie in Enugu. The screen diva took to her Instagram page to say that she’s too beautiful for this world and that her haters would have no choice but to acquiesce. This comes days after Yul Edochie returned on set […]

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