Some Days ago,Someone said portable songs don’t have meaning, but in one month he has been the top trending artist all over.
According to critics, Portable songs doesn’t mean anything, but he’s blown. His pattern of music is classified under street pop with no moral compass. Recently, African bad girl, Tiwa-savage spread him money and wizkid did the same thing. Whereas there are plentiful of talented musicians out making good songs but nobody is appreciating them, No funding, no promotion, they’re not even noticed, well, what I see here is grace, is not matter of how good you are, but once is your time to shine believe me nothing can stop you.
The first time Portable met Olamide he cried, because he never believed it, am not trying to say that if you are doing songs that has meaning that you should stop, and start doing like him, understand that grace and time are different.