The lady who was accused of giving false testimony by Paul Eneche, on Sunday, April 14, has broken her silence.
On Sunday, April 14, Vera came on the altar to share her testimony of how God made her the “only graduate in her family” adding she graduated with a “BSc in Law” from the National Open University of Nigeria.
While giving her testimony, Pastor Eneche asked what degree she graduated with and she said ‘’Law”, he asked further, what kind of Law degree, and the lady answered ‘’BSc in Law’’ after which he accused her of lying.
Speaking via her Facebook page on Monday, April 15, Vera said she was disgraced and labelled a liar by her spiritual leader just because she couldn’t speak English and mistakenly said B.Sc instead of LLB.
She further stated that she graduated with a 3rd class from NOUN and was no. 2262 on the list of graduates from the school.
She wrote: “It’s disheartened because I couldn’t speak English like lawyers. I was labelled a liar for mistakenly saying B.Sc instead of LLB. Actually, I graduated with a Third Class at NOUN.
“The rejected stone can become the cornerstone. We’re reminded not to look down on anyone. U can’t imagine what I endured throughout the service. How shattered I must have felt to be disgraced by my spiritual leader in such a manner?
“I am no. 2262 on the list. I Vera deserves better now”
In another post, she wrote: “The Devil came to steal my testimony but Jesus said NO!”
A photo on her Facebook page suggests she is a policewoman as she was seen adorned in their uniform. – Ijeomadaisy